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12 Practical Strategies to More Memorable Marketing

Anthony Robert, Best-selling Author and Copywriter Shares tips on Top Strategies for More Effective Marketing

12 Practical Strategies to More Memorable Marketing

Anthony Robert is an expert in both Sales and Marketing. In his book, F*ck Sales, Anothy uses his humor and wit to guide salespeople in the art of selling. In this article, Anthony shares 12 tips on how to make your marketing more impresionable and effective. 

Early on in my sales and eventual marketing career, I learned perhaps the most important persuasion lesson in the most boring of places: a Chamber of Commerce meeting.

Picture a lifeless hotel convention center lobby with enough brown carpet to make you want to throw up. The walls were high and yellow, the air was stuffy, and all the “professionals” here had the same uneasy smile that you can only get with enough forced small talk. The smile that says, “Please kill me now.”

We were all sitting around those wooden, circular tables facing the stage when the mayor of the city took the podium. Sure, none of us knew his name, and even fewer voted for him, but we sure as hell clapped for him like we did.

Most of us were there to do one thing: make sales- so we had to act the part. The mayor started his speech and wanted to thank his sponsors — I was one of them. And as a sponsor, we had the opportunity to pitch our company to the entire meeting.

The sponsors went on stage one after another, droning on about their services, and the audience glazed over like we were a box of doughnuts. But often in life, where there’s a problem, there’s an opportunity. This is where I made a very intentional pivot that changed my life and the way I viewed communication.

I got on stage and said this: “Hey, my name is Anthony, and I’m the water guy.” The whole room fell silent. People blinked like they couldn’t believe what I had said. Then after a pregnant pause — laughter. A lot of it. It was like an open mic night.

Water guy?” “You’re the water guy?” — “Yep, I’m the water guy — I take care of the drinking water for X, Y, and Z.” They laughed some more and nodded. And in that moment, a truth crystallized in my mind: they might not remember my name, but they sure as hell won’t forget about the water guy.

The Truth

I’m not a fan of absolutes, but this is one I believe to be true.

If people don’t remember who you are, then they’ll forget you. — It’s as simple as that! The reality is, you could have the best product in the world, be the most credible person, and be downright likable — but if people forget who you are, it doesn’t matter — you’ll never get the deal.

That’s why it’s so important to intentionally be memorable in your marketing and sales campaigns — and I’m going to show you how.

Simple, Short, and Sweet

More often than not, the simpler, shorter, and sweeter you can make your messaging, the easier it is to remember.

Take, for example, what I use — the water guy. It’s impossible to hear that and not know I work with water. That’s why I said it; I knew they would remember my name. But it’s not just me; where I live, there’s another “guy” who advertises on the radio. His name — The DUI guy. Guess what he does? Exactly.

Look for ways to say what you are and what you do in as few words as possible because it will do one thing: help you be memorable.

Use Alliteration

What do brands like Krispy Kreme, Captain Crunch, & Frosted Flakes have in common besides, um… sugar? They use Alliteration.

Alliteration is when consecutive words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound. Think of names like Donald Duck or Bilbo Baggins. Famously, Fortnite (see what I did there), one of the most popular games in the world, intentionally uses alliteration to name their POIs. They use names like Slappy Shores, Lucky Landing, and Shifty Shafts.

Just by using two words that start with the same letter and sound similar can help make your content immediately more memorable. Not to mention, fun to say.


Would you look at the time? It’s time we talked about rhymes.

One of the oldest and sure-fire ways to help anyone remember anything is a rhyme. They’re fun to say, and usually bring a smile to your day. And if you look at marketing, brands do it all the time. Take, for example: Slim Jim, Fruit Loops, Grub Hub. Notice a trend?

And it’s not just in the name; it’s in the slogan too. Famously, Pringles uses a rhyme to get you thinking about popping some chips in your mouth. “Once you pop, you can’t stop.” — It rhymes, and it’s actually true. A double whammy.

The lesson? Look for subtle ways to add rhyming to your marketing material. They’re fun to say and just may make your customer’s day.

Use Slogans/Jingles

Call it the millennial in me, but I can wake up in a cold sweat and recite the 800–588–2300 Empire!!!! Today jingle. That’s the power of a good slogan.

At one point in your life, you’ve likely had a jingle stuck in your head. Whether you’ve heard “Ba da ba ba ba, I’m lovin’ it.” Or maybe you’re feeling safe because you know “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.” A good jingle has the potential to be so memorable it’s practically glued to your brain. If it makes sense, come up with a good jingle to help your customers remember you.

Push the Envelope

In a world of bland and boring businesses, those who push the envelope get noticed.

For example, I used to sell construction equipment, and believe it or not, construction workers cursed. A lot. It was after one of them went on a tirade so bad that it could make even a sailor blush I stood back and dropped a little curse word myself, “Damn, that sounds like a pain in the ass.” The construction worker immediately dropped his guard and felt he could trust me just because I pushed the envelope a bit. Most other salespeople don’t do this and end up blending into the wall.

In marketing, Liquid Death pushes the envelope in a great way. It starts with the name of their product and seeps into their messaging. “Murder your thirst” — that’s not exactly playing it safe. That’s memorable.

The important thing to remember when pushing the envelope is to have tact. There’s a thin line between being bold and being bad — don’t cross it.

Get Personal

In the age of faceless corporations, humanity is the secret weapon.

Share stories, let your quirks shine, and bid farewell to the soulless corporate facade because ain’t nobody cares about it anyways. Thesis, the nootropics company does a great job of getting personal by sharing its founder’s story.

It goes into detail about how the founder couldn’t focus at work until he found nootropics. Now armed with nootropics, he was able to build his company and perform at his top level.

And who can’t relate to having trouble focusing at work? His personal story makes the brand more memorable and more accessible to their ideal client.

In practicality, this means losing the bland corporate image and start showing some personality.

Relate to Your Customers

We all like being understood; that’s a human need. A great way to be more memorable is to relate to your customers.

This can be as simple as using the words they use, describing the problems as they describe it and really coming off more as a friend than as a business.

For example, one of the tenets of writing excellent copy is doing deep research so you can relate to your clients. You want to use the words they use so it sounds like you’re talking directly to them instead of using words that the company likes. After all, who can resist someone who understands their struggles?

So the lesson is simple, relate to your customers; they’re the ones who buy your products after all.

Lean Into Preconceived Beliefs

If people feel one way about you — remind them. I used to write for a security company, and we were known as being one of the best in our space because we were professional.

A strategy I liked to use was to simply remind people what they already knew. We were arguably the best and the most professional, so I would remind people that by leaning into it. In one way or another, I would approach my work with the mindset, “We’re the company you already trust.” and I had a few wins.

To me, it makes more sense to reinforce what people already think instead of starting from scratch. It’s the difference between pushing a rock up the hill and rolling it down the hill. Work smarter, not harder, as they say.


Let’s be frank, life is better when you’re laughing.

Injecting humor into your marketing is like adding a little seasoning to your dinner — it takes that bland ass chicken and makes it tasty.

When people laugh, they form a positive connection with your brand, and that connection lingers in their memory. Think about memorable ad campaigns like Geico’s witty commercials or Old Spice’s humorous approach. Or even the opening story, “The Water Guy.” These are all effective ways to use humor.

By incorporating humor into your messaging, you’re not just selling a product or service; you’re creating an experience. Whether it’s clever wordplay, a funny scenario, or a playful tone, humor leaves a lasting impression and ensures your brand stays top of mind.


In a world where everyone wants to be right, being humble goes a long way.

Humility is memorable because most people aren’t humble — simple as that. So when you get the chance to be humble, by nature, it goes a long way.

As a salesperson, one of my go-to lines to break the ice was a humility play. I would just say, “I’m sorry for bothering you; I’m sure you’re busy.” Whenever I cold-called an office, and could see that the secretary looked flustered. Or even I would use humility + humor with the water coolers. Whenever I was trying to book an appointment on the phone and I encountered an objection where people would say, “I’m not interested,” I would simply say, “ I hear you, I don’t think there’s one red-blooded American who wakes up and is interested in water coolers, but honestly, if you’re using (insert what they’re using) I can honestly say mine does give you cleaner water.” And that worked a lot. That’s humility.

Look for opportunities to admit mistakes, share challenges, and be authentic/transparent because it will humanize your brand and make you memorable.


Shock is like playing with fire. Do it right, and you’ll get people standing around and admiring the bonfire. Do it wrong, and you’ll get burned.

Wendy’s social media presence is a masterclass in using shock to leave a lasting impression. Their witty and often sassy responses on social media challenge the conventional, creating a buzz that gets shared.

Richard Branson also does a world-class job of creating shock too with his companies. Whether it’s a bold statement, an unexpected twist in the narrative, or a daring marketing stunt, the element of shock disrupts the ordinary and becomes memorable.

Think of ways you can be shocking and see if you can get electrifying results.


Are you the real McCoy? In a world of fakes, we all love when we see the real deal.

Being authentic is inherently memorable because it transcends expectations. Going back to Liquid Death, their whole brand is a breath of fresh air because they are so authentic in how they present themselves.

There’s no other water company like them, which makes their authenticity a strength. So look for opportunities to show up authentically to the world. Your customers will love you for that.

Full Circle

After that Chamber of Commerce meeting, I called all my new prospects and introduced myself as the water guy. A typical call went like, “Hey, this is the water guy from the Chamber of Commerce meeting.” And I could instantly feel their smile through the phone. “Oh yeah! I remember you!” and more often than not, the conversations went well. I booked meetings, and I even landed several deals just because I was able to elicit a positive response. That’s the power of being memorable.

Remember the rule: if people don’t remember who you are, they’ll forget about you. So do everything in your power to be memorable and reap the rewards it brings. Be memorable, my friends; it’s how you get thought of.

* This article was adapted from original article and can be found on Anthony's medium page published with Better Marketing. 

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